Oh yeah, the funniest thing about it, when the Tea Party Movement comments on Occupy Wall Street, they say Occupy Wall Street is un-American, when they were trying to stand against the actual Federal Government's policies. This movement is against the 1% of the nation which controls all the wealth, Corporations... Corporations which threaten to move their business to another country every time a regulation or EPA rule is put in place. Which is more un-American?
Granted, they aren't very organized, what social movement has ever been strictly organized? It is run by people outside of the political circle, Washington Lobbyists, which are well funded to be organized by who else but people with money? I hope you all can support this movement because the direction we are going in is another Recession (somehow we are out the one before and unemployment is still soaring). The reason no movement has ever worked against the economic policies before is because the words get twisted and turned around before it reaches your television. But now with the technology revolution of the internet, the media can't taint the message for much longer.
With labor unions losing more and more members, who is going to protect American Jobs? Corporations have been reducing these numbers for years now by sending their jobs to cheap labor sources over seas. These CEO's over the past decade have been making 450 times more than their lowest paid worker. Lets say their lowest paid worker makes 10$ an hour, CEO's are making 4500$ an hour... I don't know about the rest of you, but I believe I can live extremely comfortable on 90,000$ a year and they expect us to reduce our comfort of living so they can have all their summer houses and vacations. Even the President of the United States, which is supposed to be the most difficult job in the US, makes 400,000$ a year!
Please stand up and tell your representatives that enough is enough. We need to protect American Jobs NOW.
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